In the heart of the Himalayas, resting upon the highest plateau on Earth – Nepal, some of the graduates from Madeenah University have embarked upon a necessary, yet ambitious, project to setup centres of knowledge catering for the educational needs of both girls and boys.
Via our website, we hope to keep you abreast of the latest developments taking place at Markaz Quba, and in turn, we ask that you assist us in our efforts by donating generously.
Markaz Quba has a number of other branches. Initially, all these branches were under the supervision of Darul-Kitaab was- Sunnah. However, early in 2006 we decided to place them under the sole supervision of Markaz Quba Charitable Centre Nepal.
This Institute has students studying from Kindergarten till secondary school. The number of enrolled students residing at the campus and studying reaches 300 and the number of students that study locally are over four hundred.
This Institute has students studying from Kindergarten through to secondary school and beyond. The number of enrolled students amount to 100, and the number of students that study locally are over two hundred.
A department sponsoring orphans and poor students to pursue their studies. Their number reaches over a hundred – of which fifteen are orphans.
A department for undergoing charitable projects: providing iftaar for those fasting in the month of Ramadhaan, sacrificing goats in the days of Dhul-Hijjah, winter clothing, as well as building wells and meeting other local community welfare needs.